the hawk of death

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Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:40 pm
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Alright gamers, I hear all this talk about Avengers Endgame being the best Marvel movie, and even if that has the case (It has Game in the title instant 10/10), it doesn't sit right with me with how Gamers are portrayed in this film. As you all know, Thor became a gamer along with the rest of the male cast of Thor Ragnork. (This is accurate.) Korg is still a baby gamer however and is being p%ned ™ by a member of the noob slayers, identification number 69. Korg then goes to his KING ,Thor, and cries about how he's being p%ned by a 12 yr old child (the age of Gaming puberty). Thor then threatens this noob slayer which is common Gamer tradition however he brings his IRL (In Real Life) status into the mix. (This is inaccurate.) Now while Gamers do hold powerful positions both in-game and IRL, we are also oppressed people. And true Gamers, that this so called Gamer King Thor is clearly not by this example alone, would not use his IRL status and power to oppress a fellow gamer. This is showing Gamers in a negative way and its being reflected in social media. The news is still sprouting nonsense that video games make gamers into shooters, and while they do give us the neccessary skills, they do not make us violent. This is all a ploy to oppress us Gamers even more and I for one will not take this sitting down. (insert gun emoji)
toys r us more like glad i us
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