Removing death totems: Getting rid of unnecessary elements of pvp

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Should death totems be banned?

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I feel that it is time we address some key issues with death totems that exist in the semi anarchy community and perhaps gladius would be the first to address this issue. let me talk about some issues with death totems because I feel like death totems are the second problem with pvp next to end crystals.

Problems with death totems:

1. Death totems are a ridiculous cop-out that take the fun of pvp out of pvp because combatants go into combat with 6 to 7 totems making it very unlikely to kill them before they escape.
2. End pearls already give combatants a fair chance to escape but with death totems if someone is losing a fight all they have to do is pop totems and pearl away, it's simply to many failsafes.
3. Lack of steaks in pvp, with it being so difficult for people to kill eachother due to this death totem issue it takes the skin out of the game, so to speak and in my opinion hurts our pvp community.
4. there need to be risks and steaks when players or teams go into battles because thats where drama and fun happens. People need to lose gear, people need to die in fights, and escaping needs to be harder.
5. Since we're sticking with the premise that end crystals are banned ( which I whole heartedly agree with and is the reason I've returned ) then we should remove totems as well as without end crystals pragmatically speaking it's very difficult to kill anyone in p4 with totems. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, I'm not a fan of polls as in my experiance they're generally inaccurate but I'll add one anyway.
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I feel it isnt a Yes or No issue. We nerf them now by means of a cooldown which i think is fair.
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Dear Chief, I think the totems belong to the game and I understand that there will be no yes or no answer but the idea of increasing the time looks a good idea. It would bring Some balans. So I am in for a nerf.
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