Moderator Application

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Hello! I'd like to apply for Moderator!
Reason for applying:
So that I can help both the server and the players In it! I could also be a great help with building structures for spawn or events! and I can (sometimes) give good idea's of what to possibly add to the server!
Minecraft username: DressRanger
Discord username: waitingpanda
Your age: 15
Time zone: GMT-7 aka Pacific Daylight Time
How long have you been playing on Gladius? (across all iterations): for a couple of weeks
Do you have previous Minecraft server staff experience: Yes i have had experience for a couple of months
If you were to become Moderator and a player you consider a friend is breaking the rules after many warnings, how would you proceed?: I would still have to ban or kick them even if they're a friend
Please rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10: depending on what i'm doing on what day but mostly 6 or 8
DIscord: waitingpanda

I'm DressRanger and i like to play games and smoke crack (not really this is a joke i do not smoke crack)
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Thank you for applying :] as much as i like having you on the server I can't say you've been around quite long enough to be considered for Moderator. I encourage you to apply again once you become a more familiar face around here.

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