Moderator Application

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Hello! I'd like to apply for Moderator!
Reason for applying:
I have been on this server for nearly 9 years under different names, but most people know me as TheUnknownWhite. Back in the old days of Gladius, I would do what gladius players did and PvP, trade, and mess around. Though good times, I have grown to trade with people or help others get started on the server. I see the older generation hop on and say hi, or play for a few months and that is awesome! I also see the investment in maintaining new players and I try/ have tried to do what I can in the past worlds to get some of them to stay. A conflict that most of the server may have with me being staff is the fact that I was previously known as the Unknown Clan leader. The clan was disbanded last map due to me wanting to step down and one day have a better chance at being a Mod. There are some Unknowns out there still and that is fine, but I am not in a "clan" of Unknowns, we are all friends :)

I feel comfortable with everyone that joins and can joke around or be someone to talk to when someone needs. I am active in times that others are not, I think of it like seasons when it comes to staff, some play at the start of a world, some play in the middle, and 1 or 2 are on nearing the end. I pop on for 2-4 months at a time which can cover the season. At this very moment I have time again to play a good amount and have been on. Id like to use this time to help the new players that I have seen online and to also sniff out the bad players who may be using frowned upon clients. I love this server and everyone who has stuck with it for all these years. Hope I can join the team and make positive waves in the server <3
Minecraft username: TheUnknownWhite
Discord username: ZeroChill
Your age: 25
Time zone: Eastern
How long have you been playing on Gladius? (across all iterations): late 2015
Do you have previous Minecraft server staff experience: Yes, I was staff on a modded minecraft server for Attack Of the B Team, was like All the Mods 9 but OG
If you were to become Moderator and a player you consider a friend is breaking the rules after many warnings, how would you proceed?: Mute, Kick, or Ban them. The rules are rules. Depends what rule they break but staff should always act accordingly per rule.
Please rate your activity level on a scale of 1-10: Currently I would say a 6.5, building to a 8 or higher since I have free time.
Last edited by TheUnknownWhite on Tue Jan 07, 2025 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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i love you
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